The priority of packs(desirability) as i see it is like thisġ.most wanted=Boundaries crossed packs that is because of the chances of Full art Ex cards,Trainers and most of all the rare chance of obtaining Keldeo ex which is the most sought after card in PTCGO at the moment.Ģ.Dark explorers=dark patches,ultra ball,but most wanted from here is Darkrai ex,Tornadus ex and the second most wanted card of PTCGO -pokemon catcherģ.Dragons exalted=Garchomp,Altaria,Hydreignon(ability),Ho oh ex,Terrakion ex The trading currency for PTCGO is packs.Some players may trade card(s) for card(s),but the vast majority prefer packs. There are 2 ways to get the cards you want on PTCGOĢ.by trading via forums and with people who gather large amounts of cards by smart trading/ripping off other people in public offers(Example:Catcher for 1 pack) The PTCGO values listed here are my observations,as i see them(fair prices) so they may not be